This kind of scenario has happened a lot this summer. Janey wants something. She wants it RIGHT NOW. She is furious not just if I have to say no, but if I say "in a few minutes" or "not right now". I've been trying to figure out the best way to handle this kind of setup. Here's a few of the possible ways...

2----Treat Janey as much as we can like any other almost 14 year old. Say yes when it's reasonable, tell her to wait when she needs to wait, say no if we just don't want to give her what she wants to have or do what she wants to do. In some ways, this was our old way of doing things. It also goes with assuming competence, in a way. We can assume she can learn in the natural way that sometimes you have to wait and something the answer is no. It's what most people (especially without experiece with Janey's brand of autism) would see as the right answer. It's what I always did with the boys, and I must say they responded well to it. A no meant no. They were not prone to begging or nagging. I think I said yes often enough when I could that they learned I wasn't just saying no for no reason. However, the 10 or so years that I tried to also use this method on Janey were, to be frank, a complete failure. She was unhappy so much of the time, and she didn't learn, at all, what the boys learned pretty easily---to be patient, to accept no as an answer. We gave it a good trial. If I thought it would work, I'd do it again.
3---Use a hybrid method. Accept that the way Janey sees the world and perceives the world and understands the world is not typical, no matter how much I presume competence. But also realize that Tony and I are human beings, that we simply cannot always do what Janey wants, that the boys, although adult now, also deserve to get their ways sometimes, that we are worn down and tired out and need to figure out a way to keep going. This hybrid method is what I'm starting to do more. One part is not responding instantly to Janey. Sometimes, even if I could do what she wanted right away, I say "Yes! Just a minute, though..." and then I make her wait a minute. I've done that approximately 10 times while writing this, the last right during the last sentence, when she asked the most common thing she asks---"Cuddle on the bed?" Also, if she asks for something we will do in time but not for a while, I say yes and then give the timeline---for example, if she asks for a car ride at noon, I might say "Yes! Daddy will give you a car ride when he gets home!" He gets home about 5. I only do that if it's something we WILL do that day---I'm not going to lie to her. If the answer is just plain no, I say it but then offer a quick replacement. If she asks for a ride and I know there will be no ride that day, I saw "No ride today, but we can talk a walk to the store right now!" Or I say no and then quickly make us busy, so the no is a bit buried in whatever else we are doing.
In an ideal world, the #3 method would work. I think it could work, not because Janey really will start to understand or accept delays or a plain no, but because waits or substitutes or distractions will become part of a routine, part of what she knows is a possible outcome when she asks for something. The #2 method relies on an understanding of other people's needs and motives that I quite honestly don't see Janey having. The #1 method relies on us as parents being responsive in a way that worked for a while, but that I think we are getting too old and tired to carry on, even if it did give us a few very nice years. In reality, I don't know if method #3 will work. It isn't working too well so far. And perhaps there is some #4 method I'm not thinking of right now. Whatever the solution is, or if there is a solution, as both Tony and I press further into our fifties, I think we need to figure it out.